Mar 3, 2011

The Return of the Classics – Typical PC Games are Now the New iPhone Apps

Numerous reasons make Apple’s iPhone to mark another golden age of electronic gaming, which was previously the possession of the desktop and laptop computers. From major software and gaming companies to just a few guys in the college final year project group, anyone and everyone gets a space in the open marketplace to create a dream game. This has resulted in a new innovative boom, unlike any of the other applications seen to have developed in the past 20 years. Yet, the first years of the golden age of gaming are still reminiscent, and numerous hands are in the air to relive that era. 5 of the most influential and greatest computer games, best of the classics, ever made are now available with the twist and touch of portability. These games have traveled from desktop to handsets. Yes, Apple iPhones, iPads, and iPod touch handsets now have these bestseller games of their times playable on them. Let us have a look at them.

1.)  Doom Classic – This had once been the mother of all first- person shooting PC games. Just like an ion, it hasn’t left the desires of its initial players. Yet so powerful, that it got a web community for itself to get other devices than the PC to play it. Successfully and safely, today the Apple iPhone plays the Doom. You can own this game on your iPhone for just $6.99.

2.)   Myst – The ‘magnum opus’ of synergistic storytelling, the Myst, had left marks on the minds of its players unlike any other game of its time. The Apple iPhones have been victorious at capturing this game, as well, to play on their handsets. Full version of the game comes just for $4.99.

3.)  The Oregon Trail – This was one of the most educational game of its times. Yet it was successful to become the spirit of the generation. With graphics improved and many sub- or mini games included to play during the journey, The Oregon Trail has been capable of getting a thorough renovation to suit the Apple iPhones, and all this just for $2.99.

4.)  The Secret of Monkey Island – The funniest game of all times, the Secret of Monkey Island was a wonderful creation by the LucasArts Studio of adventure gaming. It is now in folds of the iPhone, with some modifications made to suit the players’ eyes. The redrawn version has been renamed to The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition and is available at just $7.99.

5.)  Prince of Persian Retro – Until the time this game was released, the potential of the PC for its platform jumping games wasn’t as recognized. Prince of Persia was of the genre that was console- dominated. Keeping its faith with the original version, the Prince of Persia game for Apple iPhones has been developed and available just for $0.99.

There are many such phenomenal games which could have been chosen to develop their iPhone versions, and quite a few of them, other than the ones specified above, but we chose the most popular ones to display in front of you.

View more details: RikhavInfotech


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