Mar 8, 2011

Web Apps to gather priceless ideas of customers

The old saying which simply coaxes a customer by saying the “customer is always right” doesn’t works today. But small business houses rely significantly on customer feedback. After all, listening to a customer’s preferences is nit actually coaxing; rather helps in shaping a business. But feed baack from customer can at time be hard to digest but they are priceless for a business.

Gathering customer feedback through comment cards and suggestion will leave you sort through heaps of papers. While electronic mails containing feedback forms produce disorganized data, tough to analyze and arrive at a conclusion.

Now web applications have been launched that will relieve you for the task of gathering this valuable customer information.

UserVoice has created a straight and simple form where customers can submit their vote or feedback. You can allow your customers to vote through a widget fixed on your website or on your forum page.

Get Satisfaction is an online community for user support. Here customers are allowed to create pages for a company of their choice. This gives a chance for companies to enter in this site can get increased exposure. A page similar to forums can be made in Get Satisfaction where customers can submit ideas, ask queries, and get support as well.

Feedbackify is a new website widget that allows business owner to ask specific questions to the web visitors. For example a visitor can be asked to rate a webpage design and navigability. However, unlike the former app here there is no scope for a user to submit idea. They can only submit crude from of feedback through ratings.

In case you have been wondering rating should be supported with focused questions then Kampyle will be your option. This app is just a complimentary of Feedbackify. While you can ask for rating in Feedbackify, Kampyle allows you to ask pointed questions. It has an added advantage as it attaches an analytic tool with it. The web app has integrated in it Google Analytics, Nedstate and Omniture that gives greater insight to business owners about customer responses.

OpinionLab offers a set of tools for collecting customer responses through mobiles, websites, social media, emails etc. Besides, OpinionLab also presents solutions for keep an eye on social media for feedback of your customers.

CrowdSound is somewhat similar to UserVoice. Customers can click on your website widget and offer their esteemed suggest or can vote.

Two more web apps IdeaScale and user Echo have been launches that helps small business owner gather responses of customers online.

IdeaScale, as the name suggests, allows gathering customer ideas. The most preferred idea, voted by all users, appears on the top and business owners can respond them easily. USerEcho on the other hand is a plain widget where customers can leave comments, votes or feedbacks as they prefer.
Read More: Rikhavinfotech.


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